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  • Now Playing: G. Craig Lewis - Idolatry in Hollywood and Greek Fraternities (Pursuit of Holiness Series)
  • Title: NonStopGospel   
  • Description: Full Christiam Music, Sermons, Prayer, Praise & Worship   
  • Genre: Gospel   
  • Website   
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Full Christian Music

Radio Info

[b] is a small Stream for the Gospel of Jesus Christ using music, sermons, prayer and Christian documentaries. Take time to visit at, but if you have any questions, please e-mail us or at 914-359-6264[/b]

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I sincerely ask for your continuing prayers, as I host “Non Stop Gospel Radio,”that Christ be always presented first and foremost, and that our renewal need be fully met (a word of testimony that I may share over the radio would be greatly appreciated too). Thank you so much.
I’m so grateful for your future donation (s) with us in this ministry. Together, as God continues to change us into His Own image, we are blessed to minister the Gospel freely to all, that they may hear for themselves and receive Christ, being changed and transformed by the awesome grace of God.
J. Ron.

Email: Help Save Please Pray & Give Generously And Ask Others Also To Pray & Give Now In Our Greatest Time Of Need.By God